Rey Marz

Actor - Illustrator - Author

Rey is an actor of theatre, film, and television. He is also an illustrator, and a muralist. Among his art projects, he has painted murals for the University of California, Riverside and an interactive mural for Villa Esperanza in Pasadena -- with his Anchoring a Dream Project -- for children with autism.

Check out this list of movies Rey has been a part of:


Or browse some highlights below:

The Two Professors - Best Picture nominated at the Azure Lorica Fan Film Awards - part one of an Indiana Jones inspired series:

The Two Professors

Cool project I was fortunate enough to be part of, from Grammy nominated Blake Mills and artist Jesca Hoop:

The Lost Sky

Here's a quicklist of ways to connect with Rey:

Art Gallery   News   Contact Rey

Lunch for Baby BenThe Spinning Tea DunksSanta's Breadcrumbs Scarecrow of the DeepBreakfastTommy Turtle Turtle HurdlesParallel UnivenderOil Leak Den MasterNo Pie for the Three Little Kittens Night-night, Baby Ben


Rey is honored to have invented an interactive mural for children with autism, "Anchoring a Dream", which encourages learning beyond the classroom. The mural features a reusable surface, allowing children draw and paint their dreams and ideas directly into the clouds of the mural. For more info, check out:

  • Anchoring a Dream

  • Scroll down for some more of Rey's newsworthy adventures:

    • Enter the Fist Movie ... Rey's movie poster for a movie that he was also in, getting to work with wrestler Bill Goldberg, Jean-Claude Van Damme's daughter Bianca, and Oliver Stone's son, Sean Stone, among many others. Click the link to check us out on IMDb.
    • Gordon the Fisherman... The official Facebook page for a children's book that Rey wrote ... get ready for some Halloween ... adventure ...and fish sticks.

    The Adventures of Gordon the Fisherman

    in Your House on Halloween

    a picture book

    written and illustrated by Rey Marz,

    published by Gordon Fish Foods, Inc.

    Aavailable on for download with a free version of the Kindle for Mac, PC, etc.


    Tommy Turtle: Exercise is Fun!

    a picture book

    written by Eric Mathe,

    published by 4RV Publishing,

    illustrations by Rey Marz

    Visit the publisher:


    Mural for the University of California RiversideEgyptian Mural.jpg

    The hieroglyphics at the top of the column translate to:

    "May you teach and learn for a thousand years in the house of life."


    mild mannered reporter.jpg

    Mild Mannered Reporter

    What if Superman reporter Clark Kent had his own blog on Facebook?



    Illustrated Movie Review

    Original visual content produced for

    movie reviews and interviews for

    professionals in the film industry.


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    Contact Rey All rights reserved.

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